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CEO shift at BunyaVax

Per 31 December 2019, Jochem Bossenbroek resigns as CEO of BunyaVax. He has been CEO since September 2017. Carine Punt has been appointed as new team captain. Carine was already Project Officer at BunyaVax since 1 October and will now step up to the position of CEO.

The motivation for Jochem to take this step is the recent progress made with his startup company Verdify that focusses on personalized nutrition. As Verdify is reaching a next phase this company now requires his full commitment.

Carine Punt

Carine DVM ERT has a background in veterinary medicine and in biotech. She has a deep understanding of preclinical and clinical drug development in both animal and human health. As such Carine is well equipped to take over the role of CEO.

Jochem would like to thank everyone who has collaborated with BunyaVax over the past years: “It’s been a great pleasure to work with Jeroen, Paul, Nadia, Carine and Wageningen Bioveterinary Research on the success of BunyaVax. The interactions with pharma, investors, consultants and especially the partners of the LARISSA consortium have been inspiring and have helped to create a whole new perspective on vaccine development.”

From late 2017 to today BunyaVax has grown from laboratory-stage company to a prize-winning biotech firm that is now preparing for clinical studies of its human Rift Valley Fever vaccine candidate as part of a $12.5 million project funded by CEPI. Carine will coordinate BunyaVax to the next key milestones.

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